What does champagne, oysters, Pogues, Sex Pistols, JOE STRUMMER, Stray Cats, Ian Dury, Tom Waits, Eddie Hinton, Loretta Lyne and pogo dancing have in common? MY birthday!! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND I'LL PLAY ALL THE MUSIC I WANT TOO!!
Bloody hell BF is mixing up a avocado daiquiri...should I drink it?? the last drink for the night ..,..woah! wish me well for the morning!! XXXX
Hey, my birthday was a couple weeks ago so let's do a dorky old-people's dance! I'll drag out the vinyl albums.
Ya know, the Queen was not ten blocks from my apartment on my birthday but either she didn't leave me a present or my neighbors stole it off the doorstep while I was at work.
"Oh the pain, the pain!": hope they're not words you're saying tomorrow!! Happy Birthday and I think Drink #2, though not green, looks safer!!!
Oh! Hope you had a great day! And evening! And uh, morning after ;) Heheh!
Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday!
"Happy Birthday" is one of my fave Concrete Blonde songs. It's depressing though. lol
Not sure I'd drink the avocado, one. But it's a lovely color. Did it make you big, or small?
Hey, my birthday was a couple weeks ago so let's do a dorky old-people's dance! I'll drag out the vinyl albums.
Ya know, the Queen was not ten blocks from my apartment on my birthday but either she didn't leave me a present or my neighbors stole it off the doorstep while I was at work.
Enjoy yer day!
Happy birthday for yesterday possum!! Hope you had a great day!!
Second drink looks the best! lol...Start with the Cherry (or is that poor cocktail Etiquette?)..
oh my goodness the avacodo one looks lethal..wouldn;t mind the cherry one though. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU BIG SPUNK!
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