
Yes I have been knitting

from Blue Sky Alpacas Pattern
A wip I started early last year.
I love em'

6 feet of glorious pink ropes and ladders scarf
Even been know to wear it to bed!

started a new project the Swallowtail Shawl..for my Mum. It is her 80th comming up and I wanted to knit her something. I've never knitted lace before and it wasn't east at the beginig but after some good advice from my knitting buddies on Ravelry I progresed.
I've finished a few other projects but haven't been able to get a good photo of them.
Went to see Coraline yesterday and it was perfect an animation movie that incorporates all my favorite things, a bit of creepiness, a bit of sewing, buttons, dolls and stop motion oh and 3d glasses. How cool!!

1 comment:

Mouse said...

Such a pretty bunch of finished objects! Our house doesn't have heat and I'm known to wear hats to bed during the winter.. I think I'd strangle myself with a scarf though.


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