
still teetering on the edge of 13 UFO's

a little brown cardi knitted for one of my getting very cold down here and the poor little buggers are turning a bit blue! UFO number 14...just need to sew on the button.
Kevin's Mittens!! a test knit for lady Euphoria....easy Peasy. These are the child size. I started these 3 days ago, but I know I could finish a pair in a few hours. These will go off to a charity as soon as I can find one. UFO number 15...but nearly finished.

Finally started knitting my green socks!! This brings me up too 16 ufo's!!

airy scarf, nearly finished will be UFO number 17.
I've also very nearly finished a few other object on my Ravelry list of I may still be stuck on LUCKY number 13 by the end of this week!!


2paw said...

Oh how exciting, green socks!! Hope the little folk are nice and warm now you have been knitting for them!! I daren't count my unfinished items!!!

Lady Euphoria Deathwatch said...

Hi Crow,

Just what size are those art dolls of your's? The sweater looks like something I'd wear. So darling!

Thank you so much for testing the mitten pattern for Kevin's Mittens. I appreciate it more then you know.

I want to get back to knitting for charity but my daughter's wedding is taking my time at present. I'm making lace for handkerchiefs for the women in the wedding party at the moment.

Thank you again.

Hugs, Euphoria

Tangled Stitch said...

Love your knitting. So whimsical as is your blog!


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